I went to take a picture of Gav all snuggled up in his bed because let's be honest, it's not a post without a picture right? And since I haven't taken ANY pictures over the last month (call me a bad mother...I dare you!) I thought a sleeping one would have to suffice. I tried to turn the camera on and this is what it said: Battery Exhausted. Don't worry...I found one from this past weekend. Enjoy:
That got me thinking. My personal battery is exhausted as well. We have been through A LOT these past two months, and not that I'm complaining (me? never!) but I am so ready for summer. Not that it will be any less stressful or any less hectic, but I like to think that with sunnier weather comes brighter days!
This month we said a tearful, but joyus at the same time, goodbye to Grandpa Hal. It was exactly a year ago that we were in Virginia visiting him. To think he lived so much longer than anyone predicted. I am so glad that I got to meet him and feel honored to have become a part of his family. He had a full military funeral complete with the gun salute, and it was beautiful. We got to spend some time with the McFarlands and the Virginia cousins. We also decided it would be good to pass around the flu while they were here, and I do beleive Gavin gave it to everyone...sorry! Even I, who never throws up, got it and spent my fair share of time with the porcelin throne. Despite the flu, and the circumstances that surrounded everyone being in Utah, it was great to see family.
On the Gavin front, he is our BUSY little boy. While I was content as an infant to sit in my crib with a few books, Gavin LOVES to get into everything. He started crawling a week before he turned seven months and has not slowed down since. My only saving grace is that he is not walking....yet. His latest tricks include clapping his hands, blowing kisses, and waving goodbye. He does this really funny gasp and open mouth (like he is really suprised) and makes people laugh. He is also a biter and when he gets excited he just chomps down, usually on your knee or shoulder. He is quite the eater and loves to eat whatever we are eating. He still is not a big fan of the bottle. He hates when Tay and I are both on computers and will whine and whine until we put them down. He is sleeping better, but his dependency on his binky makes it so that we still have to get up twice in the night to pop it back in. We go to the doctor next week for his 9 month check up (almost a month late...our doctor is too popular!) and I can't wait to see his stats. He is the happiest baby and loves to give "loves". We are so blessed to be his parents.
Lastly, my fifth year of teaching is wrapping up. It has gone by so fast. I am so thankful to be where I am and working with the people I work with. I love my kids, even though they test my love A LOT! I'm teaching summer school for a few hours every day in June. Next year I'll be teaching a combined class with 2nd and 3rd graders. I loved teaching second so I am excited to see how it goes.
Despite my emotional and physical battery running low, I am spiritually filled. I am so blessed and I really have nothing to complain about. Others have it much worse than we do. Speaking of batteries....my car battery is nearly dead too. Three batteries drained...but one very happy girl.