Sunday, March 27, 2011


Because of problems on our old blog, I decided to start a new one! So glad you found us. I guess since we aren't moving this year I figured I needed some big change in my life. Just kidding! We have also decided to "go private" because the other day we were videotaping Gavin, and as cute and wonderful it is to be able to post the videos to Facebook, I just don't want the whole world (ok..maybe just our facebook friends) to be SO intimately connected to our lives. I want to protect my little boy and if that means a private blog, then so be it.
Lastly, we might be a little low on pictures as we start out. Our Mac hard drive crashed and took all our pictures with it. Wedding pictures, Gavin's birth pictures...the whole lot. So if you have any pictures to share (in digital form) please send them our way. Much appreciated! We went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 6:30, the house is a mess, and I need to do stuff for school (Next year I will be teaching a 2nd grade/3rd grade split classroom) so this blog will be neglected for a little while. Thanks for joining our new little corner of the blogosphere!

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