Monday, March 28, 2011

Random Thoughts

I feel like my blog before I had Gavin was not only a travel-log of our marriage, but a place to put my thoughts into words. Sadly, I have turned into one of those bloggers I never wanted to be: one who only posted about the milestones in their babies life. Don't get me wrong, I love Gavin more than I thought humanly possible, but having him doesn't mean that I lost all of my thoughts, or that I shouldn't record them. Truthfully throughout the day I think to myself, "I should write that down" then the moment passes and I forget all about whatever thought I had been thinking. Today I was driving home from work and my mind was racing. I seriously was getting anxiety thinking about all the things that I have on my to-do list: clean the house before the landlord comes over on Thursday, make dinner tonight, give Gavin a bath, prep for next year, prepare the visiting teaching message, prepare our Primary lesson for Sunday (yes, it is only Monday). For some reason my brain went into overdrive and I couldn't for the life of me get it to stop. 

Right now I have a student teacher. She is fabulous. We really get along. One of the aides said that if she closed her eyes and just listened to my student teacher talk, she thought it was me. I did it the other day and it was creepy. She sounded just like me.  Speaking of school, next year I am going to be teaching a 2nd grade/3rd grade split class. I will likely have about 10 2nd graders and 15 3rd graders. I am excited for the change. My principal also wants to pilot a SmartBoard (interactive whiteboard) in my room. I taught with one in Kansas and LOVED it so I am excited to add that to my classroom as well. Although I don't love LIVING back in Utah,  I do love being at my school, teaching with who I am teaching with, and actually feeling appreciated by my principal again. This year doesn't even compare to the year from hell I had last year. I have said it before and I will say it again, the principal makes all the difference! 
That being said, my principal has been out of the building a few times and I have gotten to act as the administrator. It has been interesting. Though I loved the different perspective, I think I belong in the classroom. Taylor keeps telling me that I should be a principal, but I'm pretty sure that that's just because it would like double my salary. I do eventually want to end up at home with the kids, so I'm still on the fence as to whether getting my masters is worth it or not. 

So, I know this was a RaNdOm post, but I just had to get some things out of my head. All in all life is wonderful and I am SO excited for summer and just being able to stay home with my boys!

Gavin's Latest Tricks

Gavin has really been impressing us with his new tricks lately. He is definitely his father's child and doesn't sit still well. He started crawling the week before he turned 7 months, and just yesterday at 8 1/2 months, started crawling up the stairs! We tried to teach him how to crawl down the stairs backwards, but he would have non of it. He just wanted to go up! He is literally into EVERYTHING, and everything that is on the floor goes straight into his mouth! We love our little bubby...though it would be o.k if he didn't start walking for a while!

A Fun Boise Weekend

A few weekends ago we got to go up to Boise. Not only were we excited to see Grandma and Grandpa but we got to see Great Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Kelsey, Uncle Grant....and Baby T! Sadly someone (a.k.a. NOT mommy) forgot to grab Gavin's suitcase when packing the car, so Grandma had to go shopping. We all know she just HATED that! We decided to try on some of Baby T's clothes, hence the way too small but still adorable polo onesie.

Gavin loved being with with his "fans." He was quite the charmer all weekend. He loved watching the dogs run around the backyard and trying to eat all the cords in the living room. By far his favorite (and my leas favorite) was crawling to the badger pelt. He would crawl over, pet it, and then proceed to put it in his mouth. Delicious!
Do you think we have a little boy that loves the camera? He cracks me up! 
Look at those baby blues...those are going to get him in a lot of trouble in the coming years!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Because of problems on our old blog, I decided to start a new one! So glad you found us. I guess since we aren't moving this year I figured I needed some big change in my life. Just kidding! We have also decided to "go private" because the other day we were videotaping Gavin, and as cute and wonderful it is to be able to post the videos to Facebook, I just don't want the whole world (ok..maybe just our facebook friends) to be SO intimately connected to our lives. I want to protect my little boy and if that means a private blog, then so be it.
Lastly, we might be a little low on pictures as we start out. Our Mac hard drive crashed and took all our pictures with it. Wedding pictures, Gavin's birth pictures...the whole lot. So if you have any pictures to share (in digital form) please send them our way. Much appreciated! We went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 6:30, the house is a mess, and I need to do stuff for school (Next year I will be teaching a 2nd grade/3rd grade split classroom) so this blog will be neglected for a little while. Thanks for joining our new little corner of the blogosphere!