In October we went to Denver to see the Tanners. The main reason we went to Denver was so Gav could spend some quality time with his cousin Will. Being exactly one year older (to the day) Gav took it upon himself to show will how all of his toys worked.
"See you just do this, and then it makes this noise."
"Mom, this kid is a know it all. Who the heck is he anyways?"
A quick moment to tell Gav that he can not lay on his cousin.
We also took the boys swimming at our hotel. Gav didn't mind that the water was freezing. Will on the other hand wasn't too sure about this idea of a big cold bathtub.
"See Will, it's not that bad. So what if you loose feeling in your fingers and your toes turn to icicles?"
After church Gav got to go on a bike ride with Daddy and Uncle Grant. I knew he was tired when they left, but I didn't know he was THIS tired.
"Being the responsible older cousin really wears me out."